Reduced sexual activity is a serious problem that any man can face, regardless of age. If the cause of erectile dysfunction is not injuries and mental disorders, stimulants of sexual activity will help restore potency. Pharmacies offer a wide range of erection-enhancing products: male stimulant tablets, capsules based on natural extracts, dietary supplements, ointments and sprays.
What are potency boosters for men, which are better and safer?
What is a potency stimulator
The pharmacological group of potency regulators includes two types of drugs: synthetic and natural. They differ in their composition, the time of onset of the expected effect and the duration of action.
Fast acting syntheticsprovide an almost instant erection due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies of the penis and the influx of blood to them. Genital reaction occurs immediately after sexual arousal. Depending on the active substance, the effect lasts from 6 to 36 hours. Synthetic sexual stimulants act locally and for a limited time. They do not eliminate the cause of the pathology, but only provide a temporary improvement in erection.
The disadvantages of drugs of this group include the presence of contraindications and possible side effects. The selection of a synthetic potency enhancer should be carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account age and concomitant diseases.
Natural potency boostersare preparations based on extracts of plant and animal origin. The active substances contained in them are phytosterols, biostimulins, natural tocopherols. As additional components, vitamins and minerals that positively affect the organs of the reproductive system can be included in the composition. Natural remedies have a milder effect on the body, so the effect is not so pronounced and does not appear immediately. At the same time, the substances contained in natural enhancers act in a complex way: they improve general blood circulation, restore testosterone concentration, help to strengthen and prolong erections, stimulate spermatogenesis, increase libido and accelerate transmissionimpulses from nerve endings to the brain.
As a rule, it is necessary to take these funds in courses. With prolonged exposure to biologically active substances, a persistent improvement in the condition can be observed. Natural drugs that increase potency are prescribed both for the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction.
It should be remembered that any potency enhancer is effective only when a man has normal sexual desire, and age-related changes or health conditions do not allow full-fledged intercourse and orgasm.
Fast acting male potency stimulants

This group of drugs includes phosphodiesterase inhibitors. They are powerful potency boosters. They are produced mainly in the form of tablets containing a single dose of the active ingredient.
Synthetic stimulants to increase male potency can react with other drugs, so this point should be considered when choosing and buying a product. On sale you can find both original drugs produced by the original developers, and their analogues - generics. In fact, they are identical products, but with different names and prices (generics are more affordable).
Despite some similarity in the mechanism of action, phosphodiesterase inhibitors have some differences.
All tablets provide powerful potency 30-60 minutes after ingestion. Drink them no later than an hour before the planned sexual intercourse. The recommended frequency of use for most products is 1-2 times per week. Too frequent use or excessive dosage can lead to undesirable effects.
When choosing a male stimulant, it is also necessary to take into account the existing contraindications. Stimulation of erection with synthetic enhancers is not recommended for men with heart pathologies, renal and hepatic insufficiency, anemia and the presence of malignant neoplasms.
Natural potency boosters
Natural remedies are safer and have practically no contraindications. The main limitation of their use is the individual intolerance of the constituent components. Some food products can also be attributed to completely harmless natural aphrodisiacs.
Means based on natural extracts
Herbal potency boosters are available in capsules. Their main difference from synthetic drugs for a single dose is a regime of long-term use. Course duration and dosage are calculated based on the severity of the disorder and are adjusted as improvements occur. The best natural stimulants include the following drugs:
- The product, which includes extracts of Peruvian maca, ginseng, Greek fenugreek. The minimum duration of the course is 3 weeks, if necessary, the treatment is repeated after a week break. For the prevention of erectile dysfunction, the drug is taken once a day for 8-10 drops, you can repeat the reception to increase potency before intimacy.
- Natural erection stimulant based on ginseng extract, wild pepper, ginkgo biloba, hawthorn. The drug improves blood circulation, increases sexual desire, has a general stimulating effect. The recommended admission course is 15 days. Drops are applied to the tongue in the morning before meals, a single dose is 4-5 drops.
- The drug, which included extracts of moss, littorins, krill and an extract of burbot liver. It is necessary to take it for two weeks, 3-5 drops a day in the morning or immediately before intimacy, in order to achieve a stable erection of the penis.
- Capsules containing an extract of Agirea belle, Mucuna, Withania, Tribulus terrestris. The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules in the morning and evening before meals. With a decrease in libido, the drug is used for 4-6 weeks, with disorders of the genital reaction - from 8 to 14 weeks.
- Eleutherococcus tincture. An inexpensive and affordable remedy for the treatment and prevention of sexual disorders. The drug is taken 3 times a day before meals, 20-30 drops.
Aphrodisiac Products
With the onset of disorders of sexual function, nutritional correction will help to increase potency. Some products contain a large amount of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the gonads, improve blood flow and the condition of blood vessels, and normalize testosterone levels. To increase erection, it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:
- Seafood.
Shrimps, mussels, crayfish and squid contain a large amount of zinc and selenium, which are necessary for the production of male sex hormones and the formation of sperm. Fatty sea fish are saturated with amino acids that maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. Anchovies rich in iron, potassium and calcium normalize metabolic processes and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
- nuts.
Almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts are especially useful for male potency. In addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain arginine, which produces nitric oxide. It is this chemical compound that is the main neurotransmitter that ensures a stable erection.
- Spices.
The ability of many spices to improve erection has been known since ancient times. The best known popular potency boosters are ginger, cinnamon, saffron, cumin and marjoram. If the erection worsens, it is recommended to include garlic in the diet, which is also a prophylactic against malignant tumors of the reproductive organs. Regular use of spicy greens gives a good effect: mint, tarragon, thyme, parsley and dill.

The daily menu should contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. If possible, the listed products should be eaten raw or with minimal heat treatment to preserve all beneficial substances.
Herbal teas with ginger, sage, thyme, St. John's wort can be used as natural stimulants.
Products for external use
In addition to stimulants, available in the form of tablets, drops or capsules, you can buy external preparations for male potency in pharmacies. These are creams, ointments or sprays that increase the sensitivity of the penis and improve blood flow to the cavernous bodies. These funds are applied 10-30 minutes before intimacy. In addition to affecting the penis of a man, the active substances, when entering the female vagina, stimulate the contraction of its muscle fibers and enhance the feelings of intimacy.
To increase potency without using tablets and capsules, you can use the following external stimulants:
- A liquid that is used to apply to the entire surface of the penis before intercourse. The composition includes guarana extract (a powerful natural pathogen), L-arginine (helps increase blood flow), magnesium (accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses) and glycine (relievesspasms of the muscle fibers at the base of the penis).
- Natural erectile function stimulant based on bee products, olive oil, cedar and moth extracts. The cream promotes vasodilation and intensive blood flow to the corpora cavernosa when excited.
Only a specialist can choose the most effective potency stimulator. Do not do it yourself, guided by reviews or instructions for use. Uncontrolled use of pathogens not only will not get rid of impotence, but can also lead to a deterioration in general health.